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Ile de Ré in winter

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AMBSea_Mer vagues moyennes et mouettes (
envol d'oiseaux
plage de l'ile de ré avant l'orage
deco mouette

It's adventure

To find the extreme, all you need is a little imagination in these uncertain times! No need to go to the other side of the planet to find adventure. The Ile de Ré in winter is fabulous for all nature lovers! A beanie, a good pair of hiking boots, a big down jacket and you're off to explore!!!

For all those who know the Ile de Ré, also called "Ré la blanche", as THE place to spend their holidays in summer (if you like crowds!) and take the time to look at what we observed during this week of January 2021. The bad weather allowed us to approach the wildlife undisturbed and to take shots as we have rarely been able to do. No long lens and no camouflage, so being able to get so close will remain exceptional moments!

ligne 3
l'envol de quatre bernaches au lever de soleil
tampon de déco

In this period there

nothing exceptional

to hit the road

of the nature reserve

from the island of Ré. The

motorized vehicles are prohibited so you have to bring a good pair of shoes and a big coat, you have to remain static in the observation and you quickly catch cold (ask Nat, she knows a lot about the booze), know that despite the animals we have encountered are used to humans, they remain wild animals, a lack of respect on our part, they run away and we would see them again and end the beautiful image.

cygne deco

Now follow the guide

grette deco
mouettes sur des poteaux
vole de bernaches
Bernaches dans l'eau
vole de bernaches
Canards les pieds dans l'eau
canards blanc et noir
Aigrette sur la rive
Mouette avec sa proie
Vole de bernaches
Sur vole d'un cygne
Cygnes sur la rive
Canards blanc et noir en volent
Atterrissage de mouette
Deux oiseaux dans un arbre mort
Gros plan sur une mouette
cigne dans l'eau

To all the people who don't have a sense of observation or imagination, I found, seeing this perspective, that the shape of the tree stuck well to the posture of the swan (well it remains only a personal opinion).

cuillette des huitres à la main

To be sure that the oysters are fresh and of the day, the best way is to go there and make your own  dozen.


The island is still very touristy but at this time of year, the only signs  are luxury cars (not always parked in the right place, which interferes with the landscape) and luxury boats 

village bois plage en re
st martin de re noir et blanc
st martin de re noir et blanc
le phare des baleine
port de st martin de re noir et blanc
ruelle bois plage en re
vigne de bois plage en re

cities and countryside

Coucher de soleil reserve
Lever de soleil reserve
soleil derrière le brouillard réserve
buisson dans la réserve naturelle
Nuages menaçants sur la mer
coucher de soleil vu depuis la réserve naturelle
oiseaux dans le coucher de soleil sur la mer
cygnes dans le coucher de soleil vu sur le phare des baleines
surfeur dans le couché de soleil
couché de soleil

Sunsets and sunrises

la plage

Crossing the bridge to go for a walk on the beaches or, at this time of the year, to go to party, we do not see, below, the oyster farmers struggling to be ready when the consumer comes to collect his dozens of oysters. However, they are there when the tide goes out!

(As evidenced by this photo taken on December 31, 2020)

Phare de st martin de re
phare des baleines
Phare de Chauveau
Orage sur la plage petit bec
Orage sur la digue
Plage la Patache
Parc à huitres devant le pont de ile de ré
Pont de l'ile de Ré


un pêcheur dans l'eau

The water at this time of year is closer to 5° than 15° and this fisherman's hands are soaking in this freezing ocean. If you follow us regularly you are aware that we do outdoor sports and well, this man, we take our hat off to him, what courage and what will!


Coastal birds

photographe photographiant des oiseaux
Mouettes devant le phare de chauveau
Aigrette fait la belle
Atterrissage d'une aigrette
Envole de Tournepierres
Atterrissage de Bernaches
Mouette sur un mur à la flotte
Couple de bernaches
vole d'une mouette
Atterrissage d'une mouette dans un groupe
Mouette sur un mur à la flotte
Atterrissage de bernache
Deux aigrettes sur le bord de mer
Des tournepierres sur des rochers
Une mouette survole une barque
Un tournepierre sur un muret
Vole d'une mouette
Un tournepierre sur un rocher
Des tournepierres cherchant de la nourriture
patience and gentleness are one of the virtues of the animal photographer, without this quality, the subject will not be the animal.
photographe sur la plage

We are passionate and we find inspiration in nature, if our creativity is so vast it is because our vision of things does not stop with the horizon.

trois bernache deco

Thanks _

We used several sites to give us ideas during our journey:


Our collection  "Ile de Ré"



jomélo c'est l'aventure


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